With a diversity of habitats from open water and wetlands to upland forest, Bunker Hill Bogs is a hot spot for birding in Jackson. Some birds live here year-round, while others are winter residents. In the spring and fall, many species pass through as they migrate to and from their summer and winter homes.
Photos taken locally by Jackson’s own Michael Mandracchia.
Birders using eBird (a real-time online checklist program) have reported sightings of more than 120 species of birds here. With binoculars and a good field guide such as “The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Eastern North America,” you can identify the birds you see at Bunker Hill Bogs and submit your own observations to eBird.
Michael Mandracchia, a Jackson resident and expert birder, offers a series of “Birds of Jackson” trips every spring through the Jackson Community School. He has developed a check list of close to 200 different bird species seen at Bunker Hill Bogs and other locations in Jackson. You can download and print Mike’s check list here: Mike Mandracchia’s Birds of Jackson Check List.
A big thank you to Mike for generously sharing his beautiful bird photos and the check list with us for use on the website!
Additional Resources
Audubon Native Plants Database